Rely on our experts for professional chimney sweeping.
* We only offer chimney sweeping on wood-burning products with a manufactured pipe. If you have a masonry-style chimney, we can give you a direct referral to a company that specializes in masonry chimney sweeping.
Wood-burning fireplaces offer unique old-fashioned charm to your East Texas home, creating an atmosphere of coziness and elegance that can make your living area feel as if it’s transporting you to the past. And aside from aesthetics and the romanticized idea of wood-burning fireplaces, they are safer and offer a cheaper heat source than gas-burning fireplaces. After all, firewood is plentiful, while gas is expensive. If you have a wood-burning fireplace constructed by our team at Hunt Stone & Fireplace, leave it to us to help you maintain it through chimney sweeping.
You can think of chimney sweeping simply as chimney cleaning, although professionals don’t tend to prefer that term because it isn’t really possible to get a chimney completely clean. “Chimney sweeping” is more descriptive of the service they actually provide.
When we offer chimney sweeping, we remove soot and the buildup of creosote, a flammable substance that is known for causing chimney fires. This service removes obstructions, which helps ensure smoke flows in the correct direction. As a whole, chimney sweeping makes your wood-burning fireplace safer and more efficient, offering you peace of mind and greater comfort.
Regular chimney sweeping is essential for wood-burning fireplaces. We recommend scheduling this service with us once a year at the very least, but our team can help you determine if more frequent visits would be appropriate. Contact us today to learn more about chimney sweeping and why it matters, or to schedule your appointment with us.